AI: Nobody Cares About The Truth

9 May 2024 18:15 — 20:00
CCCB - Teatre

In an age overwhelmed by information, AI has woven itself into the very fabric of our societies, influencing perceptions, molding beliefs, and sculpturing notions of truth. "AI: Nobody Cares About The Truth" delves into the philosophical and sociological impacts of AI, questioning how algorithms, machine learning, and automated systems intertwine with human conceptions of truth, ethics, and reality. The conference will uncover the complexities of a technologically saturated society where AI not only enhances our capabilities but also unsettles the foundations of our perceptions. We will analyze the authenticity and objectivity advocated by AI technologies, exploring whether they perpetuate a pristine truth or blur the essence of reality with biases and subjective interpretations.

This activity is part of the AI Symposium, which also includes the activity "Case Study: About a Hero, Herzog in AI."

Piotr Winiewicz

Piotr Winiewicz

Artist and filmmaker

Piotr Winiewicz is an artist and a filmmaker. He is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna...

Anna Giralt Gris

Anna Giralt Gris

Filmmaker and researcher

Filmmaker and researcher. She is co-founder of Artefacto, a center for research, production and inno...

Bernat Aragonès

Bernat Aragonès

Post-production Manager at Antaviana Films

Graduate in Humanities and Master in the American Film Institute. Former postproduction director at...

Frederic Guerrero-Solé

Frederic Guerrero-Solé

Professor of Communication Theories and co-director of +RAIN Film Fest

Frederic Guerrero-Solé is Professor of Communication Theories at the Department of Communication of...

Pablo Skaf

Pablo Skaf

Business Development Director at Sónar+D

Pablo Skaf has a solid background in strategic marketing and business development in the cultural in...

In collaboration with
Open to the public and accredited professionals and students
Free with prior registration
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