The Immersive Gallery

i+Docs venue and showcase of innovative non fiction projects

7 May 2024 10:00 — 9 May 2024 19:00
CCCB - Vestíbul Teatre

i+Docs venue during DocsBarcelona Industry. Showcase space for companies with innovative non-fiction projects that make use of new technologies to enhance storytelling. Open to all accredited professionals, who will be able to experiment with the pieces, discover potential business opportunities and establish new connections.

Cajal VR, desvelando el misterio del cerebro:

Ángel Urbina & César Urbina (IRALTA)

Cajal VR, desvelando el misterio del cerebro (Cajal VR, unveiling the mystery of the brain) is an immersive and interactive experience where the user must help Don Santiago Ramón y Cajal by answering his questions and collaborating in his research, which led him to discover how the brain works and win the Nobel Prize.

Reserva Hermandad:

Ángel Urbina & César Urbina (IRALTA)

Reserva Hermandad is an immersive experience about the creation of the large marine reserve Hermandad in the Pacific and the signing of the Government of Ecuador's debt-for-biodiversity swap agreement, a financial milestone for nature conservation and the fight against climate change.

Cinco años después:

Fernando Canet & Antonio Sergio Macedo (Universitat Politècnica de València)

Cinco años después (Five years later) is an immersive documentary that portrays the life in Valencia of some of the survivors of the 2018 Aquarius rescue boat. The documentary focuses on this case, which received wide press coverage, to offer a prosocial look highlighting that inclusion is possible, thanks to the effort of the migrants and the help of the host society.

Artefacto's selection of AI-generated short films:

Anna Giralt Gris & Jorge Caballero (Artefacto)

Artefacto presents a collection of 4 short films made in collaboration with Artificial Intelligence models, from its experimental beginnings in 2020. Anna Giralt Gris and Jorge Caballero explore this technology through their creations, encouraging a deep and critical reflection on AI.

El camín de los santuarios:

Enol Villamor & Gabriel Cerra (Immersive Oasis)

Camín de santuarios is the first immersive documentary feature film. A project that combines past and present in one of the most emblematic cultural routes of Asturias. Discover the passage of time since the Middle Ages; landscapes, culture, and secrets of our history that are not as we have been told.

Viatja al cor de l'Índia:

Oxfam Intermón

A Viatja al cor de l'Índia (Travel to the heart of India) invites you to take a virtual journey through some of our projects in India: an innovative way to meet the people we are supporting and to experience first-hand our work against extreme inequality and poverty.

1893 Chicago's Columbian Exposition:

Chris Hackett - Never Alone Experience (NAX)

Over 125 years ago the Columbian Exposition was staged in Chicago on Lake Michigan's shoreline. Visitors from around the world were first introduced to many industrial technologies and commercial offerings that would shape the 20th century. Using AI, we have developed a documentary on the legendary 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago, bringing this historical event to life through modern AI video and image generation.

Open to the public
Free access
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