Are Catalan film festivals prepared for the prevention of sexist violence?

4 May 2024 12:00 — 13:30
CCCB - Auditori

Round table on the prevention of sexist violence at film festivals and award ceremonies. What preventive measures can we take? What has been done at the national and international level? Are there other experiences that can inspire us to collectively design the path we want to follow? Participative round table aimed at those responsible for Catalan film festivals and award ceremonies to lay the groundwork for the development of a specific protocol for the prevention of gender-based and LGTBIphobic violence in this type of events.

Daniela Fuentes

Daniela Fuentes

Journalist, cultural manager and researcher

Journalist, cultural manager and researcher. She has developed multiple projects of exhibition, trai...

Amaia Serrulla

Amaia Serrulla

Festival Internacional de Cine de San Sebastián

Graduated in Audiovisual Communication (UPF) and Master in Teacher Training: Art Education (EHU). Sh...

Laia Aubia

Laia Aubia

Director of the Acadèmia del Cinema Català (Catalan Film Academy)

Graduate in Audiovisual Communication and Postgraduate in Cultural Management. She has worked as a r...

Amaya I. Díez

Amaya I. Díez

Consultor at Noctámbul@s

Degree in Law and Political Science. Postgraduate degree in Gender and Equality. She works in the Ob...

Guim Bonaventura i Bou

Guim Bonaventura i Bou

Catalunya Film Festivals

Degree in Cultural Studies from the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Master in Cultural Management...

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With accreditation
Accredited people and open to professionals with previous inscription
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