Greatest Hits, Misses & Controversies

Discover the secrets that lead to the production and financing of a documentary: how and why leading international Decision Makers support them

7 May 2024 17:30 — 18:45
CCCB - Auditori

For the fourth year, one of the much-anticipated sessions of DocsBarcelona Industry returns, where film professionals can learn about the preferences, phobias, unexpected failures and dazzling successes of internationally recognized Commissioning Editors and distributors.
Don't miss this essential session to fine-tune your search for funding for your next documentary.

Catherine Olsen

Catherine Olsen

Executive Producer

International Documentary Expert, and Executive Producer of Documentaries for CBC News Network (Cana...

Irena Taskovski

Irena Taskovski

CEO & founder of Taskovski Films

CEO & founder of Taskovski Films  network London-based  world sales & production company wit...

Judith Vecchione

Judith Vecchione

Executive Producer at WGBH

Judith Vecchione has contributed to many major documentary series. She won an Emmy and a Red Ribbon...

Maëlle Guenegues

Maëlle Guenegues

Sales agent at CAT&Docs

After collaborating with different festivals in France (Les Rencontres du Cinéma, Sunny Side of the...

Mehdi Bekkar

Mehdi Bekkar

Senior Producer - Aljazeera Media Network

Mr. Mehdi Bekkar graduated in 2002 as a Drama and Documentary Editor from The Higher Industrial Inst...

Hanka Kastelicová

Hanka Kastelicová

Executive Producer

Hanka Kastelicová is the Executive Producer of Documentaries for HBO Europe. Based in the Prague off...

With accreditation
Accredited professionals and accredited students in order of arrival
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