Scripting reality: the tools of fiction in documentary

Round table on the tools of fiction in documentary filmmaking

8 May 2024 17:00 — 18:15
CCCB - Auditori

In recent years, the flirtation between documentary and fiction has developed into a stable relationship. Resources such as the script and the mise-en-scène fluidly transition both genres. In this round table, organized by DocsBarcelona and GAC (Associated Screenwriters of Catalunya), we will discuss to what extent the script allows us to delve into complex realities that are difficult to represent from the documentary narrative.

With the participation of Rosine Mbakam, director and screenwriter of Mambar Pierrette, and Sissy Cui, producer of Pelikan Blue, two films selected in the DocsBarcelona 2024 program.

Rosine Mbakam

Rosine Mbakam


Rosine Mbakam grew up in Yaoundé, Cameroon, in a popular neighbourhood that nurtured her imagination...

Sissy Cui

Sissy Cui

Producer at ULab

Born and raised in Hungary as a second-generation Chinese immigrant, she explores double identity th...

Carla Subirana

Carla Subirana

Director, screenwriter and film professor

Director, screenwriter and film professor specialized in the research of creative processes and in t...

Open to the public and accredited professionals and students
Free with prior registration
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