Public domain; an analysis of the current situation in the Spanish audiovisual industry

9 May 2024 15:30 — 16:45
CCCB - Sala Raval

DTalk that seeks to provide practical solutions to the problems faced by the audiovisual industry when confronted with different criteria being applied to determine when archival material goes into the public domain, which can be the key factor that determines if visual material is included in audiovisual productions made in Spain or not. Issues covered include the number of years that determine when different works enter into the public domain, which rights become free, and when and if fair use can be applied under current Spanish law, those responsible for informing users of the new status, and how researchers and producers can access updated information, or appeal decisions by archives conserving such material. Participants include managers of the Filmoteca de Catalunya, the Filmoteca Española, Carlota Planas, a lawyer specialized in audiovisual rights; Jordi Marquès, a documentary producer at Minoria Absoluta, and Marta Torras, Archive Researcher and Producer.

Jordi Marquès

Jordi Marquès

Producer at Minoria Absoluta

Producer of more than 60 documentaries including feature films, series and reports that have been br...

Carlota Planas

Carlota Planas


Carlota Planas has been a lawyer specialized in Intellectual Property Rights and New Technologies, s...

Mariona Bruzzo

Mariona Bruzzo

Head of the Conservation and Restoration Center of the Filmoteca de Catalunya

Mariona Bruzzo (Barcelona, 1966) has a degree in Image and Sound, a university degree in Art History...

Mábel Fuentes

Mábel Fuentes

Conservation and Restoration Center - Filmoteca Española

Museum Technician of the Film Collections Service of the Conservation and Restoration Center of the...

Marta Torras

Marta Torras


Archival Researcher & Producer with ample experience both in Catalan public television and as a...

Montserrat Bailac

Montserrat Bailac


She holds a Diploma in Library Science and Documentation. She has worked as documentalist at TV3 sin...

In collaboration with
With accreditation
Accredited professionals and accredited students in order of arrival
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