Beats and scenes: musical supervision in documentary filmmaking

6 May 2024 18:30 — 19:45
CCCB - Sala Raval

Three music experts will discuss the importance of music in audiovisual productions, addressing creative, legal and technical aspects. Through examples, challenges and real success stories, they will provide information and practical guidance on music synchronization and rights management, fundamental in the international commercialization of audiovisual projects. Aimed at students and production companies at all stages of production.

Peter Stephens

Peter Stephens

Founding Partner and Director of Music Library &SFX / Music Supervision Division Acorde. Partner - Account and Project Manager

He has a long career as a project coordinator, whose main functions include managing collaborations,...

Arturo Olea

Arturo Olea

Director Music Library & SFX

Experienced Director Of Business Development with a demonstrated history of working in the content p...

Juanjo Ochoa

Juanjo Ochoa

Pianist and music composer

Compared by many with artists such as Nils Frahm or Hauschka, Juan J. Ochoa combines his work as a c...

With the support of:
With accreditation
Accredited professionals and accredited students in order of arrival
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