Meet The Funds

Discover the main sources of funding and the secrets to raising money

8 May 2024 18:45 — 20:00
CCCB - Sala Raval

Different representatives of international entities, funds and institutions that offer financing such as Sundance, IDA and DocSociety meet to present the different grants available for documentary projects.

Ana Verde

Ana Verde

Sundance Film Institute

Ana Verde is the Senior Manager of the Artist Accelerator and Women at Sundance Programs at the Sund...

Keisha Knight

Keisha Knight

IDA Funds

Keisha Knight is the Director of IDA Funds. In this capacity Keisha oversees a portfolio of IDA's gr...

Julian Etienne

Julian Etienne

Doc Society

Julian Etienne is a film programmer and cultural manager committed to fostering diversity in storyte...

Debra Zimmerman

Debra Zimmerman

Women Make Movies

Debra Zimmerman has been Executive Director of Women Make Movies since 1983. During her tenure, WMM...

With accreditation
Accredited professionals and accredited students in order of arrival
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