Catalan Forum

A meeting space to discuss the state of the documentary industry in Catalan, the challenges faced by professionals working in it and their main needs

10 May 2024 11:00 — 13:00
CCCB - Teatre

A meeting space to discuss the state of the Catalan documentary industry, the challenges faced by professionals working in it and their main needs. In this edition, the debate will focus on the implications of new distribution windows for non-fiction. With the collaboration of ProDocs.

Stay for some drinks after the Catalan Forum, until 15 h!

Jordi Ferrerons

Jordi Ferrerons

3Cat coordinator and producer

Coordinator of 3Cat and professor of Production at PROA/URL. His extensive experience in television...

Laura Folguera

Laura Folguera

Director of La2

Laura Folguera Ortega (Barcelona, 1975) has a degree in Journalism from the Autonomous University of...

Marc Melillas

Marc Melillas

CEO of the Xarxa Audiovisual Local (XAL)

CEO of the Xarxa Audiovisual Local (XAL). With more than 30 years of experience in the local audiovi...

Mireia Gubern

Mireia Gubern

Director of CaixaForum+

Linked to the "la Caixa" Foundation with different responsibilities, she is currently the...

Jaume Ripoll

Jaume Ripoll

Co-founder of Filmin

He holds a degree in Management from ESCAC (UB). Co-founder, Editorial and Development Director of F...

Albert Soler

Albert Soler

Producer, director, president of ProDocs and vice-president of Proa

Albert Solé worked for years as a reporter specializing in social and international issues. In 2008...

Open to the public and accredited professionals and students
Free with prior registration
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