Meeting of Raymond Depardon, Claudine Nougaret and young people from different generations of 'Cinema en curs' and 'Fotografia en curs'.

3 May 2024 12:30 — 13:30
CCCB - Sala Raval

Students of several generations of 'Cinema en curs' and 'Fotografia en curs' will visit the exhibition 'Depardon Inspirations' with Raymond Depardon and Claudine Nougaret, commenting on the photographs taken by the students in relation to the role model that has been and is the work of Depardon. They will also be accompanied by filmmakers, photographers and teachers. They will then meet to share impressions, comment on passages of Profils paysans and talk about the dialogues and inspirations between the film and some shots and sequences filmed by the students.

Raymond Depardon

Raymond Depardon

Photographer and filmmaker

Born in 1942, at the age of 12 he began taking photographs of the family farm. After working as a ve...

Privat event
Only for students of Cinema en Curs
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