Various directors
Science Fiction
Part of
Science Fiction

Science Fiction

Various directors

90 min.
English and Spanish
Without subtitles

Laurence Burton has one last attempt to achieve his lifelong dream: to build an aircraft powered solely on clean energy.


Matthew Barton, Francisco Forbes and Ferran Romeu
Ines Massa, Salvador Sunyer
Nanouk Films, Primo

Laurence Burton is an eccentric inventor living at the fringes of society. He’s on a quest to build an aircraft powered solely on clean energy. Filmmaker Francisco Forbes stumbles upon the inventor and decides to surrender his faith to the cause, posing the question: could the energy game changer the world needs be found in the field of alternative science? As funding and resources mount, production and development of his craft will ensue. During his journey, a traumatic past family episode signals the real motivation behind his dream. Guiding his ideas from the theoretical and into the actual is vital if Laurence is to find closure to a life lived under his own volition.

About the direction

DocsBarcelona Trajectory

Speed Meetings + Public Pitch
Edició 2020
Public Pitch Award by Antaviana
Edició 2020
Various directors
Science Fiction
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