Pere Puigbert
El vent que ens mou
Part of
El vent que ens mou

El vent que ens mou

Pere Puigbert

78 min.
Subtitles: English

A sensory experience in the land of the wind that reveals the soul of a culture that crosses borders and generations with the universal force of nature.


Pere Puigbert
Jonathan Darch, Pere Puigbert
David Gimbernat
Production company
DDM Visual
Francesc Sidera
Pere Puigbert
Pere Puigbert

An old woman and her great-grandson, a shepherd and a girl who grows apples: a sensory experience in the land of the wind. The beauty of the images and the richness of an immersive soundtrack capture us in the rhythm of everyday life, deep in Empordà. The energy of the wind connects the inhabitants of this small territory in northwest Catalonia with a unique cultural heritage that is preserved through the legacy of family generations. Pere Puigbert's delicate photography shows a world of people, trees and animals living in harmony with the cycles of nature. The patient observation of the Empordà landscape reveals how local culture crosses borders with the universal force of the wind. Awarded Best Documentary at the Seminci in Valladolid in 2021.

Screening and talk with the director of the film

About the direction
Pere Puigbert

Pere Puigbert


Born in the Empordà region, he began his career as a documentary editor, and today he combines his w...

Awards and festivals

Festival Internacional de Cine de Valladolid
Spain, 2021
Pere Puigbert
El vent que ens mou
Watch the trailer
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