Fredrik Gertten
Breaking Social
Part of
Breaking Social

Breaking Social

Fredrik Gertten

92 min.
Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Finland and Netherlands
English and Spanish
Subtitles: Catalan and Spanish

Inflection points that make people want to organize and protest against the murder of an investigative journalist in Malta and a dry river in Chile.



Fredrik Gertten
Executive Production
Fredrik Gertten and Margarete Jangård
DocsBarcelona Distribution
Fredrik Gertten and Margarete Jangård
Benjamin Binderup

All societies are based on the idea of a social contract. We are told that if we work hard, if we treat others with respect, if we play according to the rules, we will be rewarded. But then there's the rule breakers. Those who use tax havens and make profits without returning to society. Breaking Social analyses the global patterns of cleptocracy and extractivism. An investigative journalist murdered in Malta. A river without water in Chile. When people reach a turning point, they begin to organize and protest. We will see those who are already fighting on the fronts of social upheaval around the world. The film explores the possibilities of overcoming injustice and corruption. A film about the reimagining of the building blocks of our societies and the ignition of seeds of hope that live within each of us.

About the direction
Fredrik Gertten

Fredrik Gertten


Fredrik Gertten, Director is an award-winning director and journalist based in Malmö, Sweden, and ow...

Awards and festivals

Denmark, 2023
One World Human Rights Film Festival
Czech Republic, 2023
Germany, 2023
Sheffield Doc/fest
England, 2023
Italy, 2023
Dokufest Prizren
Kosovo, 2023
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Breaking Social is a stunning, multi-dimensional, global overview of the current social situation that creates a wide-ranging picture of the problems of our time.

— Aleksandra Biernacka

What I took home especially after the film was the second part, which were hopeful stories and examples from different parts of the world, where people have organized, resisted and demanded changes through various local actions. They show that change is possible and that good can prevail if we unite and jointly address problems. In short, a clearly visible film, beautifully filmed and with an important message.

— Britt Thelenius Wanler

The film begins with the idea that we no longer live in a just society where the same rules of the game apply to everyone.

— Johan Scheéle
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