Artistic consultancies for rough cut projects

DocsBarcelona organizes online artistic consultations for projects at rough cut stage.

Places are limited.
16 May 2022 9:00 — 27 May 2022 15:00

For second year DocsBarcelona offers the opportunity to carry out creative consultations online for projects at rough cut stage. The aim is for the projects to be shown to international experts with a proven track record, who will help them improve the film’s final result.

Tue Steen Müller will be the moderator of the sessions and will link each project with an international expert. Up to 3 members of the film crew may attend the sessions.

Each selected project will be eligible for a private consultation lasting 45 minutes. These will be scheduled between May 16th and 27th.

Language: english

How to submit a project

Register on the DocsBarcelona&Me platform. Once registered, fill out the activity form and please remember to include a link to the rough cut and its password.

If the project is selected, once the information has been reviewed you will receive an email to make the payment and we will contact you regarding the date of the consultation.

First confirmed consultants
Sumta Ayuso

Sumta Ayuso

Executive producer

Sumpta Ayuso has long combined creative flair and a desire to understand the world with the discipli...

Uldis Cekulis

Uldis Cekulis


Uldis Cekulis created the independent production company VFS FILMS more than twenty years ago. In 20...

Emma Davie

Emma Davie

Director & Teacher

Emma has made a wide variety of documentaries for national and international broadcasters and most r...

Marc Isaacs

Marc Isaacs


Since 2001, Marc Isaacs has made more than 18 creative documentaries for the likes of BBC, Channel 4...

Cecilia Lidin

Cecilia Lidin


With a background in film studies at the University of Copenhagen and a final thesis focusing on the...

Martijn te Pas

Martijn te Pas

Documentary consultant

Martijn te Pas studied Psychology, English and completed Film & Television Studies at the Univer...

Places are limited.
The deadline for registration is the 15th of May.
Sign up
21% VAT included
* Registration for the project is free, once selected, you must pay the participation fee.
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