Anders Østergaard
Winter Journey
Part of
Winter Journey

Winter Journey

Anders Østergaard

87 min.
English and German
Subtitles: Catalan, Spanish and English

Bruno Ganz says farewell with a performance, where past and present, reality and fiction, intertwine to help us understand the complexity of 1930s Germany.


Anders Østergaard
Sound Design
Mette Heide, Thomas Kufusr, Tassilo Aschauer
Erzsebet Racz
Film editor
Anders Villadsen

The unforgettable Bruno Ganz says farewell with a memorable performance, where past and present, reality and fiction, intertwine to help us understand the complexity of 1930s Germany and Hitler’s rise to power. We cannot forget where we come from if we want to have a more dignified future. In Winter Journey everything is possible because it is not just any documentary.

Martin Goldsmith, a well-known American radio host, was raised in Arizona in a middle-class residential area where his parents, two Jewish musicians who had immigrated to the United States, avoided talking about the past. Martin began his research and stumbled across an fascinating tale where love, the Nazi propaganda minister Goebbels, and an unlikely German Jewish cultural institution protected by the Third Reich, mixed. In the last years of his father's life, when he was already a widower, he persuaded him to be interviewed and ended up writing a book about his incredible story.Winter Journey relies on Martin's book to show us through archival footage, fictional scenes, a fake director and a re-created interview, Pre-Nazi Germany as we had never seen it before.

About the direction
Anders Østergaard

Anders Østergaard


Graduated from the Danish School of Media and Journalism in 1991 after training at Central Televisio...

Awards and festivals

Haag Amnesty Int. Movies that Matter Festival
Netherlands, 2020
Denmark, 2020
Netherlands, 2019
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Extraordinary tale about the life of Martin Goldsmith’s Jewish parents, who fled Nazi Germany.

— Movies That Matter

Extraordinary tale about the life of Martin Goldsmith’s Jewish parents, who fled Nazi Germany.

— Movies That Matter

Extraordinary tale about the life of Martin Goldsmith’s Jewish parents, who fled Nazi Germany.

— Movies That Matter
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