Grup de joves d'origens diversos (Cinema en Curs)
Quan ens trobem
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Quan ens trobem

Quan ens trobem

Grup de joves d'origens diversos (Cinema en Curs)

26 min.
Catalan, Spanish, French and Albanian
Subtitles: Catalan and English

Starting with the portrait of six people who have migrated, a group of filmmakers invite us on a journey through the city that is both exterior, poetic and introspective


Grup de joves d'origens diversos (Cinema en Curs)
Cinema en Curs (amb estudiants d’EMAV, ERAM, UB i ESCAC)

"We met at the beginning of winter. It’s now April. To start this letter, we want to show you the city we have gotten to know and filmed together." This is how the film opens, created collectively by a group of young people aged between 16 and 23, some recently arrived in Barcelona from Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry, Senegal, Cambodia, Albania; others born in the city or who have lived there since childhood. Based on the portrait and experiences of six people who migrated to the city a long time ago, the group of filmmakers invite us on a journey that is external, poetic and introspective through the city, the trees and the moon. A celebration of cinema and the possibility of sharing life and making the world bigger.

About the direction
Grup de joves d'origens diversos (Cinema en Curs)

Grup de joves d'origens diversos (Cinema en Curs)


Collective film made in the framework of “Cinema en curs” by Amadu Bailo Djaló, Mamadou Boye, Mohame...

DocsBarcelona Trajectory

Trashumant Festival
Edició 2024
CO- Festival Internacional De Cinema Cooperatiu
Edició 2024
Grup de joves d'origens diversos (Cinema en Curs)
Quan ens trobem
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