Round table: gender in the fields of musical and audiovisual - experiences and reflections

Diversity at the center

Online | Free
23 May 2022 12:00 — 13:00

In this round table, participants will talk about their experiences in the music and audiovisual sectors, each of them from their area of expertise and an emphasis on the field of documentary film. On the other hand, there will be a discussion with the audience about gender roles in these professional fields.

Language: spanish (subtitles available in english on DocsBarcelona&Me)

Irene Jiménez

Irene Jiménez


Journalist and co-founder of the specialized media, aimed at film and television...

Izaskun Arandia

Izaskun Arandia

Director, scriptwriter and producer

With extensive experience in film and television production, Izaskun worked for well-known media com...

Patricia Carrera

Patricia Carrera

Music supervisor

Patricia has been 19 years working in royality collection for artists and authors, more than 10 year...

Aliya Cycon

Aliya Cycon

Musician & composer

Aliya Cycon is a US-born musician specialized in East-West fusion compositions. In 2016 she became t...

Marta Sancho

Marta Sancho

Music Industry

Marta Sancho has a bachelor’s degree in Musicology and a master’s degree in Music Industry and Sound...

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