Family, memory, second chances and stories of overcoming adversity are the focus of the program for the 20th season of Docs del Mes, the DocsBarcelona programming circuit

10 documentary premieres, from september to june

Docs del Mes
  • The Docs of the Month incorporates as new venues the cinemas Renoir Floridablanca in Barcelona and Renoir Princesa in Madrid, which will host the premiere of a new documentary on the first Tuesday and Thursday of each month, respectively, before the screenings begin in more than 70 theaters throughout Spain.

  • Adrián Silvestre's Hágase tu voluntad will inaugurate on September 3 a season of 10 films, including documentaries such as Echo of you, Mexican Dream and Bye Bye Tiberias.

  • On its 20th anniversary, Docs of the Month, promoted by DocsBarcelona, reaffirms its desire to promote and decentralize the audiovisual industry by bringing it closer to the whole territory and its commitment to the original subtitled version.

Family, memory, second chances and stories of overcoming adversity are the focus of the program of the 20th season of Docs del Mes, the DocsBarcelona programming circuit, which premieres a documentary every month of the year in more than 70 theaters in Spain. The 2024-2025 season of Docs del Mes, which offers 10 films from September to June, also looks at other themes such as love, feminisms and women's empowerment, loneliness, empathy and major debates and challenges of contemporary societies.

One of the great novelties of the season is the incorporation of the emblematic Renoir Cinemas to the Docs of the Month network as new venues in Barcelona and Madrid. In this way, each film will have its national premiere on the first Tuesday and Thursday of each month at the Renoir Floridablanca in Barcelona and the Renoir Princesa in Madrid, respectively, before they begin to be screened in theaters throughout Spain.


Adrián Silvestre's Hágase tu voluntad will open the season (with previews in Barcelona and Madrid on September 3 and 5, respectively, before its official premiere on Friday, September 6), a bittersweet tale about the reconstruction of family ties and the complexity of the bonds between parents and children, and in October will be the nostalgic El que em queda de tu, by Zara Zerny, where people in their 80s, 90s and even 100s reflect with tenderness and frankness on love, mourning, loneliness and death.

November's documentary will be Sueño Mexicano by Laura Plancarte (Best Documentary at DocsBarcelona Festival 2024), a story of overcoming and empowerment starring a woman who flees an abusive relationship and dreams of a better future, and in December it will be the turn of Ken Wardrop's Un Nadal per a tothom, a film shot in 35 mm and a lot of Irish humor that suggests that, at Christmas time, joy and pain may not be such opposite feelings.

In January it will be the turn of Casa Reynal, by Laia Manresa, where the director embarks on an intimate journey through three generations of her family and, at the same time, through recent collective history, while February will see the premiere of Mina i la ràdio dels presos, by Kari Anne Moe, about a popular radio presenter in Norway who creates a radio program in which the guests are prisoners, with the aim of giving them a voice, an environment to reflect on new masculinities and the feeling that they can be something more than criminals.

Bye Bye Tiberias, the personal story of how renowned actress Hiam Abbass returns to her native Palestine after 30 years accompanied by her daughter and also director of the documentary, Lina Soualem, will hit theaters in March, followed in April by Fragments d'una biografia amorosa, by Chloé Barreau, which collects footage of all the director's loves since the age of 16 in different forms, from teenage infatuation and long-distance relationships, to carnal passion and deep bonds.

The May documentary, Campi qui pugui, by Alexe Poukine, explains the workshops with actors that medical students do to train themselves to give bad news to patients and relatives, highlighting the difficulty of this process and the urgency for empathy to be installed in the medical system, and in June the Docs of the Month program will close with Petits Acròbates, by Nika Šaravanja, a proposal about the power of illusions starring a group of young acrobats from Nairobi who dream of becoming famous and traveling around the world.


After two decades of bringing the best documentary premieres to the public and gathering more than two million spectators in theaters, this year Docs of the Month reaffirms its desire to promote and decentralize audiovisual and culture throughout the country and beyond the big cities, as well as its commitment to the original subtitled version.

In addition, in this new season, it maintains the double objective of vindicating the stories that emerge from the margins, the new creation and the innovative and diverse looks, while bringing to the viewers consecrated names of the documentary and films recognized in the most outstanding festivals of the international panorama.


The head of Docs of the Month, Ainhoa Chacón, stressed that Docs of the Month “brings us closer to the different realities of our society and highlights the role of culture in general and the documentary in particular as a transmitter of knowledge and as an essential tool to advance towards a more aware, critical and free world”.

According to Docs del Mes programming manager and DocsBarcelona artistic director, Anna Petrus, Docs del Mes has allowed “200 documentaries to find a new way to reach their audiences: films that have traced new paths and established new connections, documentaries that have opened the door to new viewers and confirmed the love for documentary cinema of so many others”.

Docs of the Month is an initiative of DocsBarcelona that is made possible thanks to the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals (ICEC) and the Ajuntament de Barcelona.