"Connections" - Artistic Director's Journal, August 2024

By Anna Petrus


Summer is usually reading time. This little great pleasure that in the maelstrom of winter life often must fight to find a place, a moment of rest, and being able to enjoy it fully. Reading is wonderful because it allows you to establish bridges and new connections with watching films, while at the same time it has the function of a balm, a moment of respite, to decompress the huge amount of images that I constantly have to watch.

My favourite reading of this August has been "On connection" by the British poet, novelist and singer Kae Tempest. A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to see her on stage at the GREC festival in Barcelona, and her book fell into my hands almost by magic. This is an illuminating text that extols the value of community, vindicates the power (and need) of support networks, and reveals how art, culture, and creativity allow us to connect in a deeper and more honest way. During its reading many people have crossed my mind, and, at the same time, I have reinforced a belief that was somehow already installed in me. The book also reminded me that a good support network is crucial when making a festival. Without a powerful and well-developed human network, the ten days that the DocsBarcelona Festival lasts would be a true hell. And the key to making it possible lies in one of the star phrases of Tempest's book: "Empathy is remembering that everyone has a story".

That is why I take advantage of these lines to deeply thank the wonderful DocsBarcelona team for their passion, their dedication and their willingness to take care of our valuable support network. You know who you are. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.