Efthymia Zymvragaki
Light Falls Vertical
Part of
Light Falls Vertical

Light Falls Vertical

Efthymia Zymvragaki

85 min.
Spain, Catalonia, Germany, Italy and Netherlands
Spanish, Catalan, Greek and English
Subtitles: Spanish

Efthymia Zymvragaki agrees to film a man named Ernesto who confesses to her to be a perpetrator of domestic violence and whose story compels her to confront her own.


Efthymia Zymvragaki
Executive Production
Anna M. Bofarull, Tin Dirdamal, Alejandro Castillo, Bojan Palikuća
Angelo Orlando, Efthymia Zymvragaki, Babet Touw, Daan Odufré, Jordi Ambròs Hortensi
Anna M. Bofarull, Patricia Sánchez Mora, Valentin Thurn, Maurizio Santarelli, Iris Lammertsma
Tin Dirdamal
George Xylouris
Photography director
Efthymia Zymvragaki

A man named Ernesto, who lives in the Canary Islands, contacts filmmaker Efthymia Zymvragaki to tell her that he wants to make a film about his life. He explains to her that there are always two sides to gender violence: the victim and the aggressor. He confesses to being the aggressor. Efthymia Zymvragaki then embarks on a journey, real and cinematographic, in which she discovers the hidden corners, the lights and shadows of a character who revealed himself trapped in a cycle of violence. In the process, Efthymia Zymvragaki realises that Ernesto is in fact half perpetrator and half victim, and pushes her to confront her own family history, which she left behind in Greece two decades previously.

Concert with the music composer

After the second screening of the documentary, a concert of Giorgis Xylouris, composer of "Light Falls Vertical", will take place.

Thursday 25th of May, 22:15 h. La Rubia, c/ Ferlandina 29, Barcelona. Tickets are available here.

About the direction
Efthymia Zymvragaki

Efthymia Zymvragaki

Director and producer

Producer, director, writer, DOP. Explores intimate spaces between and within people. Graduate in Psy...

Awards and festivals

IDFA Envision Competition
Holanda, 2022
Thessaloniki Documentary Festival
Grecia, 2023
Colòmbia, 2023
Crossing Europe
Àustria, 2023
Dok.Fest Munich
Alemanya, 2023
Festival de Málaga
Spain, 2023
Efthymia Zymvragaki
Light Falls Vertical
Watch the trailer
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'Light Falls Vertical' is one of those rare works of art, a deeply personal, highly intimate account of a life affected by domestic violence. (...) Filmmaker Ethymia Zymvragaki lets the stories within the film unfold organically.

— Nicole Santé · Bussines Doc Europe

It will be difficult to create something this personal again, but Zymvragaki’s empathic touch is what documentary filmmaking needs when it approaches delicate subject matter like this.

— Marc van de Klashorst · International Cinephile Society