Xavi Herrero


Xavi Herrero is a Catalan filmmaker and producer residing in Ibiza since 2014, the year he abandoned his professional activity in Barcelona which was focused on TV-3 and other production companies such as El Terrat or Dorna among many others. In 2016 he created Ibizacinefest, the Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de Ibiza, that he continues to direct nowadays, preparing the 5th edition. At the same time, he is producing and directing 4 feature films related to the island of Ibiza. Moonface. Una mujer en la guerra was awarded at the Festival de Màlaga 2019 with a Silver Bizanga and the Audience Award from the section Afirmando los Derechos de la mujer. With his fifth feature film Salka en la tierra de nadie he begins a new stage focused on 2 collaborative productions in Mauritania with the N.G.O Un Lápiz, un dibujo. He is currently working on the script and pre-production for Kibab to be shot this summer.