Montse Pujol Solà


Graduate in Audiovisual Communication from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, specialising in production, and Master in Cultural Management. Since 2018 she has been working for Boogaloo Films as a producer. She has produced the serious Autodefensa (Miguel Ángel Blanca, 2022), winner of the award for Best Series in the Short Formats Competition of Seriesmania; and the feature documentaries Remember My Name (Elena Molina, 2023 - Audience Award at the Malaga Film Festival) or Tolyatti Adrift (Laura Sisteró, 2022), as well as several short films. The short film The Painter's Room (Maria Colomer, 2024) premiered at the Malaga Festival and the short film Every Sunday (Alberto Dexeus, 2021) premiered at DOK Leipzig and Ji.hlava and won the Silver Biznaga Audience Award at the Malaga Festival (2022).
She has been selected as a member of the Punto de Vista Youth Jury (2020), the Rotterdam Lab (IFFR, 2021), the IDFAcademy during IDFA (2021) and the Acción Producción de Mujeres Visuales programme (2022).
Previously, she worked for two years at the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), producing the projects Xcèntric and Soy Cámara, and at MINIPUT (Muestra de TV de Calidad), taking over the coordination in 2019.