Marga Almirall


Marga Almirall is a filmmaker and editor specialising in image pedagogy with a feminist perspective. She has a degree in Audiovisual Communication (UAB), a postgraduate degree in audiovisual editing (UPF), has completed the Feminist Laboratory of Documentary Creation at the Bonne, and is currently training in film archiving at Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola (EQZE). Since 2016 she has been a member of the cooperative Drac Màgic, where she develops projects such as: Construir Mirades, an educational project for training in audiovisual languages, Pack Màgic, a distributor of children's films, and the Mostra Internacional de Films de Dones de Barcelona, among others. As a filmmaker, she has worked with appropriation montage, investigating the role of images in the configuration of identities and memory.