Jordi Rovira


Jordi Rovira is a director and screenwriter. Freelance journalist since 1998 and Bachelor of Information Sciences (UAB), Political Science and Sociology (UAB) and Geography and History (UNED). He has made social reports in thirty countries such as Kosovo, Iraq, Sierra Leone and Northern Ireland, which were published in many Spanish newspapers. Since 2005 he combines this work with the direction of Capçalera, the magazine of the Col·legi de Periodistes de Catalunya. In 2015 with Òscar Moreno, Jordi Rovira co-directed the documentary Joana Biarnés, una entre tots.

Jordi Rovira and Oscar Moreno

Joana Biarnés

This is the unknown life and work of Joana Biarnés, the first Spanish photojournalist.