Hendrick Dusollier


Hendrick Dusollier, a graduate in History from the Sorbonne and Fine Arts in Paris, made his first documentary piece Works in 2005, a tour of the old neighbourhoods being destroyed in Barcelona. An unprecedented technical and artistic proposal that was selected at Locarno, nominated for the César prize, SCAM, and became the most awarded short film of the year at international festivals. His second film, Babel (also co-produced by Arte), selected in Rotterdam, winner of a Unifrance Prize, and multi-award winner at festivals, is an allegory of the profound disorders contemporary China is experiencing. In 2013, his third film Histoire sur les Dictatures was described by Le Monde as “an unprecedented and vertiginous experience, a historical, technical and artistic achievement, a titanic work”. Last Days in Shibati, his new film, has just received the Grand Prix of the French competition (Prix Louis Marcorelles) and the Youth Prize at the Cinéma du Réel Festival, 2017.