A shocking portrait of Filipino women forced to move abroad to make a living as nannies or domestic workers highlights a covert form of modern-day slavery.
A shocking portrait of Filipino women forced to move abroad to make a living as nannies or domestic workers. Director Sung-a Yoon's gaze, a mixture of black humour and social criticism, highlights a covert form of modern-day slavery.
Overseas follow the training stage of a group of women preparing to start a new life away from home. Most employment contracts force them to spend years without seeing their children or families. During the school's training sessions, students practice both the role of maid and master, leading to situations that are both surreal and compelling. They will soon be exported abroad as if they were merchandise, and will be left alone in the face of labour exploitation and aggression of all kinds. A touching story that shows the determination of brave women united in sisterhood who don’t lose their sense of humour, and who share strategies to cope resolutely with their future.