Marta Aguilella Antolí & Arnau Belloc Lorite & Jesús Minchón Rodicio.
Hey, Temi
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Hey, Temi

Hey, Temi

Marta Aguilella Antolí & Arnau Belloc Lorite & Jesús Minchón Rodicio.

20 min.
Catalan and Spanish
Subtitles: English

Paquita is 85 years old and lives alone until Temi the robot arrives in her flat. Will they be able to establish a relationship and put an end to Paquita's loneliness?


Marta Aguilella Antolí & Arnau Belloc Lorite & Jesús Minchón Rodicio.
UAB- Máster Documental Creativo

Paquita is 85 years old and lives alone in a flat in Barcelona. She doesn't receive many visitors, but today her new flatmate, Temi the robot, is knocking at the door. Will Temi be able to put an end to Paquita's loneliness? One of the countless consequences of today’s reality is the loneliness that some elderly people suffer at home. Both private initiatives and public institutions are trying to find solutions to this problem, and Barcelona City Council has put forward a proposal which is as capable as it is ironic: can the problem of unwanted loneliness be solved with the resources that technology allows today? Temi is a robot designed for this purpose, and he believes that it is possible. After all, perhaps it doesn't take a person to solve the most human of problems.

About the direction
Marta Aguilella Antolí & Arnau Belloc Lorite & Jesús Minchón Rodicio.

Marta Aguilella Antolí & Arnau Belloc Lorite & Jesús Minchón Rodicio.


Jesús Minchón Rodicio He holds a BA in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Seville and...

Marta Aguilella Antolí & Arnau Belloc Lorite & Jesús Minchón Rodicio.
Hey, Temi
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